Course Code: 6210
Grade Level: 9-12 Credits:10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment or completion of Algebra I; Freshmen must have received a grade of C or better in 8th grade science and be at grade level in reading; students in 10‐12 need a C or better in previous high school science course with teacher recommendation.
Biology I is a standards‐based, college preparatory laboratory science course. The course starts with a review of chemistry and energy, building upon the students’ study of the eighth grade content standards. The instruction expands in depth upon the seventh‐grade content standards and reinforces prior knowledge of scientific inquiry and methods. After the review of biological chemistry, the principles of cellular biology, including respiration and photosynthesis are taught. This is followed by instruction in molecular and Mendelian genetics. Population genetics and evolution follow naturally from the study of genetics and lead to a discussion of diversity of form and physiology. The teaching culminates with ecology, a subject that draws on each of the preceding topics.
Course Code: 6220
Grade Level: 9-12 Credits:10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Completion of Biology I, Algebra I and Chemistry which may be taken concurrently.
This course meets the State of California Science Standards (9‐12) for Biology/Life Sciences. This course meets the lab science requirement for both the University of California and California State University system. This course is designed for students that have demonstrated high ability and interest in Biology. All aspects of Biology are covered in great detail. The goal of this Biology course is to provide a learning environment that enables students to develop a strong understanding of the principal concepts in biology. The Biology course and the Biology
Examination (under the: The College Board) will stress the basic ideas and the synthesis of these ideas into major concepts and themes. The teacher should strive to cultivate the student’s understanding of those ideas that unite the various content area.
Course Code: 6230
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry
This is an in-depth study of the life sciences, in particular, organic chemistry, microbiology, cytology, genetics, biogenetics, evolution, comparative anatomy, zoology, botany, human biology, ecology and its effect on biodiversity. Emphasis is investigation, analysis, and critical thinking of content through labs, research, media, and various established organizations. The goal of the course is to prepare students for the AP exam in May.
Course Code: 6092
Grade Level: 9 - 12 Credits:10 UC/CSU:
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to be a study of the Earth and Space from their formation to the present. It follows the Earth Science Content Standards for Public Schools. The course content focuses on geology, weather, climate, biogeochemical cycles and space, as well as lab skills needed to perform and analyze experiments.
Course Code: 6496
Grade Level: 11, 12 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisites: Algebra I, Biology, and Chemistry
Advanced Placement Environmental Science is a rigorous laboratory based science course designed to provide students with the content and skills needed to understand the interrelationships found in the natural world. Students will develop skills to identify and analyze environmental problems and to propose and examine solutions. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of AP Environmental Science, this course will draw on many different disciplines of science including: biology, chemistry, and earth sciences. Topics included in this course are: Earth Systems and Resources, Biotic Systems, Population Dynamics, Land and Water Use, Energy Resources, Pollution, and Global Change. This course will involve many labs, on‐site field studies, and off‐site field trips. AP Environmental Science is intended to be the equivalent of a one‐semester college ecology course, which is taught over an entire year in high school.
Course Code: 6360
Grade Level: 11, 12 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Algebra II
This course explores the nature of motion, force, energy, matter, heat, sound, optics, light, electricity, and magnetism. The course content is supported by regular, meaningful laboratory investigations. The development of laboratory skills and the reporting of experimental results is stressed. Students learn how to apply math skills in experimental measurement and data analysis. This course is not merely conceptual, but covers all of the minimum California Standards.
Course Code: 6230
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry
This is an in-depth study of the life sciences, in particular, organic chemistry, microbiology, cytology, genetics, biogenetics, evolution, comparative anatomy, zoology, botany, human biology, ecology and its effect on biodiversity. Emphasis is investigation, analysis, and critical thinking of content through labs, research, media, and various established organizations. The goal of the course is to prepare students for the AP exam in May.
Course Code: 6340
Grade Level: 10 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Algebra I and Biology I
This is an introductory course in theories and concepts of modern chemistry. This course is designed to prepare students for college chemistry. Topics will be presented to increase awareness and understanding of the role of chemistry in everyday life and environmental issues. The course emphasizes the atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, properties of gases, solutions, reaction rates and equilibrium, acid‐base reactions, and chemical thermodynamics. The student will be introduced to quantum mechanics, organic and biochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. The laboratory work will develop students reasoning power, the ability to apply chemical principles; as well as acquaint students with chemical laboratory techniques.
Course Code: 6350
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Algebra I and Biology I
This is a university level laboratory science course designed for those students who have an interest in a science related major and would like to begin their college careers while still in high school. This inorganic chemistry course includes both the lecture and laboratory components of a two‐semester college program. Students will be prepared for the Advanced Placement Chemistry Examination in May. The AP Exam with a 3, 4, 05 5 (out of 5) may earn the student university credit, placement in an Honors Program, or both. Topics covered in AP Chemistry (the study of matter and its changes) include: chemical change, energy, stoichiometry, quantum mechanics, periodicity, bonding, molecular structure, gas laws, nuclear physics, solutions, kinetics, thermodynamics, equilibrium, chemical reactions, and electrochemistry.
Biology I
Biology II
AP Biology
Earth Science
AP Environmental Science
Physics Honors
AP Chemistry