SHS Family Resources
First Day Forms - Read Only:
Attention Parents: These forms are for reading purposes only and do not need to be printed and returned to the school. There is a form (see below under First Day Packet Forms for SHS Student/Parent Agreement) that will need to be initialed and returned to the school. All First Day Packet Forms will be provided to families during pick up times listed above.
Padres: Por favor lee este documentos pero no necesita entregarlos. Hay un documento ("Acuerdos de Poliza de Estudiantes/Padres") que tenga que firmar sus iniciales y entregar. Tendremos todos los documentos físicamente para recoger durante los dias de entrega.
First Day Packet Forms:
Note: These forms MUST be completed and returned to Seaside High School. Families may either print these forms or pick up a pre-made packet from the school. The scheduled dates and times for pick up and drop off are listed above.
Aviso: NECESITA llenar y entregar este documentos a Seaside High School. Familias pueden imprimirlos o recogen los paquetes desde la escuela. Estaran disponible durante los tiempos de recoje y entrega.