Course Code: 2093
Grade Level: 9 Units: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Enrollment in the appropriate high school, appropriate CST, CELDT, or other standardized testing result.
English I is a one‐period, college preparatory course required of all grade 9 students, except those needing specialized language and/or academic support services. The course content focuses on teaching student’s skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository, narrative, response to literature, and persuasive texts. Instruction in each standards‐based unit of study interrelates reading, writing, oral communication, and language study with a focus on the aesthetic approach for 9th grade. Students are provided with multiple opportunities to articulate their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate others’ ideas. The goal of instruction is to support students becoming independent, strategic, critical readers, writers, listeners, and speakers who communicate effectively in various forms, for genuine purposes, and to authentic audiences.
Course Code: 2092
Grade Level: 9 Units: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation, grade of a B or better in 8thgrade English.
A college preparatory class for gifted students, emphasizing oral and written communication skills with stress on literature, composition, vocabulary, grammar, research, spelling and study skills appropriate to college bound students. Students must be highly motivated, be prolific readers, and be proficient writers. This level of course content and instruction has been identified by the University of California System as meeting the criteria for designation as an UC‐Certified Honors course.
Course Code: 2025
Grade Level: 10 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Enrollment in the appropriate high school, appropriate CST, CELDT, or other standardized testing result.
English II is a one‐period, college preparatory course required of all grade 10 students, except those needing specialized language and/or academic support services. The course content focuses on teaching student’s skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository, narrative, technical, and persuasive texts. Instruction in each standards‐based unit of study interrelates reading, writing, oral communication, and language study with a focus on the historical approach for 10th grade. Students are provided with multiple opportunities to articulate their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate others’ ideas. The goal of instruction is to support students becoming independent, strategic, critical readers, writers, listeners, and speakers who communicate effectively in various forms, for genuine purposes, and to authentic audiences.
Course Code: 2027
Grade Level: 10 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Earned a grade of B or better in English I Honors or who have received a recommendation from the English I or I Honors teacher.
A college preparatory class for gifted students who have earned a grade of B or better in English I or who have received a recommendation from the English I or I Honors teacher. Students must be highly motivated, be prolific readers, and be proficient writers. This level of course content and instruction has been identified by the University of California System as meeting the criteria for designation as an UC‐Certified Honors course.
Course Code: 2074
Grade Level: 11 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Enrollment in the appropriate high school, appropriate CST, CELDT, or other standardized testing result.
English III is a one‐period, college preparatory course required of all grade 11 students, except those needing specialized language and/or academic support services. The course content focuses on teaching students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository, narrative, technical, and persuasive texts with a focus on American Literature. Instruction in each standards‐based unit of study interrelates reading, writing, oral communication, and language. Students are provided with multiple opportunities to articulate their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate others’ ideas particularly as those ideas relate to both political and philosophical criticisms of literature. The goal of instruction is to support students becoming independent, strategic, critical readers, writers, listeners, and speakers who communicate effectively in various forms, for genuine purposes, and to authentic audiences.
Course Code: 2076
Grade Level: 11 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: A “B” grade or above in a previous college preparatory English class
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition is offered at the junior level in the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District. The course corresponds with objectives and expectations outlined in the College Board Course Description for May 2008 and May 2009.
In this course, students will examine a writer’s purpose in accordance with the writer’s use of rhetorical devices, including tone, diction, audience, organization, appeal, style, and attitude. Students will learn how to read and evaluate primary and secondary sources and incorporate them into their compositions. Students will follow the Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines for documenting sources.
Students will write expository, analytical, and argumentative papers in response to a variety of genres. Students will read and write in the following rhetorical modes: narration, description, process analysis, example, definition, classification, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and argument/persuasion. This course will include nonfiction from various sources, as well as fiction from the American literature canon.
Students are encouraged to take the AP English Language and Composition exam in May.
Course Code: 2204
Grade Level: 12 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Enrollment in the appropriate high school, appropriate CST, CELDT, or other standardized testing result.
English IV is a one‐period, college preparatory course required of all grade 12 students, except those needing specialized language and/or academic support services. The course content focuses on teaching students skills and strategies for critical, independent reading and writing of complex expository, narrative, technical, and persuasive texts with a focus on World Literature. Instruction in each standards‐based unit of study interrelates reading, writing, oral communication, and language. Students are provided with multiple opportunities to articulate their own ideas as well as to question, interpret, and evaluate others’ ideas. The goal of instruction is to support students becoming independent, strategic, critical readers, writers, listeners, and speakers who communicate effectively in various forms, for genuine purposes, and to authentic audiences.
Course Code: 2600
Grade Level: 12 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: English 1 (9th grade), English 2 (10th grade), and English 3 (11th grade).
The goal of the Expository Reading and Writing Course is to prepare college‐bound seniors for the literacy demands of higher education. Through a sequence of fourteen rigorous instructional modules, students in this yearlong, rhetoric‐based course develop advanced proficiencies in expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. The cornerstone of the course—the assignment template—presents a process for helping students read, comprehend, and respond to non‐fiction and literary texts. Modules also provide instruction in research methods and documentation conventions. Students will be expected to increase their awareness of the rhetorical strategies employed by authors, and to apply those strategies in their own writing. They will read closely to examine the relationship between an author’s argument or theme and his or her audience and purpose, to analyze the impact of structural and rhetorical strategies, and to examine the social, political, and philosophical assumptions that underlie the text. By the end of the course, students will be expected to use this process independently when reading unfamiliar texts and writing in response to them. Course texts include contemporary essays, newspaper and magazine articles, editorials, reports, biographies, memos, assorted public documents, and other non‐fiction texts. The course materials also include modules on two full‐length works (one novel and one work of non‐fiction). Written assessments and holistic scoring guides conclude each unit.
Course Code: 2076
Grade Level: 12 Credits: 10 UC/CSU: Yes
Prerequisite: Received a “B” or better in English III Honors or who have received a recommendation from the English III teacher.
English literature and Composition is designed to deepen students’ understanding of the ways writers use language to provide meaning and pleasure for readers. Readings include poetry, drama, short stories, and novels from a variety of historical periods. Students will learn to read deliberately and thoroughly, taking time to understand a work’s complexity, to absorb its richness of meaning, and to analyze how that meaning is embodied in literary form. In addition, there is an essential writing component to this course. Both in and out of class, students will write to extend and articulate their understanding of what they have read. Much of this writing will prepare students both for the kinds of challenging writing expected at the university level, and for the AP English Literature and Composition exam.
Course Code: 2893
Grade Level: 9-12 Credits: 5 (elective) UC/CSU: No
Prerequisite: California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Level 1, English Language Arts California Standards (ELA CST) Proficiency Level of Far Below Basic or Below Basic OR no score on CST, recent arrival to the United States, Highpoint Diagnostic Test of below 80%.
Students in this course are non‐native English speakers at the beginning level of language acquisition. Instruction supports students in preparing to access the English Language Arts standards at their grade level. This course utilizes the ELD standards as an onramp to the ELA standards, with the achievement of the ELA standards as the ultimate objective. Instruction supports preparation for the California High School Exit Exam. This level of course content has been approved by the local governing board as intended to correct or improve one’s knowledge in a specified content area.
Course Code: 2894
Grade Level: 9-12 Credits: 5 (elective) UC/CSU: No
Prerequisite: California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Level 11, English Language Arts California Standards (ELA CST) Proficiency Level of Far Below Basic or Below Basic on Diagnostic Test at 80% or above Academic Performance in Intensive English EL I.
Students in this course are non‐native English speakers at the intermediate level of English instruction. Instruction supports students in preparing to access the English Language Arts standards at their grade level. This course utilizes the ELD standards as an onramp to the ELA standards, with the achievement of the ELA standards as the ultimate objective. Instruction supports preparation for the California High School Exit Exam. This level of course content has been approved by the local governing board as intended to correct or improve one’s knowledge in a specified content area.
Course Code: 2895 Grade Level: 9-12 Credits: 5 (elective) UC/CSU: No
Prerequisite: California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Level III, English Language Arts California Standards (ELA CST) Proficiency Level of Basic or Below Basic on Diagnostic Test at 80% or above.
Students in this course are non‐native English speakers at the early intermediate level of English instruction. Instruction supports students in preparing to access the English Language Arts standards at their grade level. This course utilizes the ELD standards as an onramp to the ELA standards, with the achievement of the ELA standards as the ultimate objective. Instruction supports preparation for the California High School Exit Exam. This level of course content has been approved by the local governing board as intended to correct or improve one’s knowledge in a specified content area.
Course Code: 2875
Grade Level: 9-12 Credits:10 (elective) UC/CSU: No
Prerequisite: California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Level 1, English Language Arts California Standards (ELA CST) Proficiency Level of Far Below Basic or Below Basic OR No score on CST. Recent arrival to the United States, Highpoint Diagnostic Test of below 80%.
This course supports the California State Standards for 9‐12 English language development with an emphasis on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This course presents an explicit English language development program emphasizing differentiated instruction in order to allow students to progress in a natural non‐threatening environment. Students in this course are non‐native English speakers at the level of English instruction. Instruction supports preparation for the High School Exit Exam.
ELD 4/5
Course Code: 2881
Grade Level: 9-12 Credits:10 (elective) UC/CSU: No
Prerequisite: California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Level 3, 4, 5 with Reading and Writing at Level 1 or 2, performance Level of 80% or higher on Highpoint C, English Language Arts California Standards Proficiency Level of Basic or Below, performance in ELD 3 class.
This course supports the California State Standards for 9‐12 English language development with an emphasis on reading, writing, listening and speaking. This course presents an integrated program emphasizing differentiated instruction in order to allow students to progress in a natural non‐threatening environment. Students in this course are non‐native English speakers at the early advanced/advanced stage of English instruction. Instruction continues to support preparation for the High School Exit Exam. This level of course content has been approved by the local governing board as intended to correct or improve one’s knowledge in a specified content area.
Course Code: 2018
Grade Level: 9-12 Credits: 10 (elective) UC/CSU: No
Prerequisite: If ELL, California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Level 3, 4, 5, struggling RFEP, performance Level of 80% or higher on Highpoint B; struggling English Only Students; struggling Redesignated Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Students or struggling English Only Students, English Language Arts California Standards Proficiency Level of Basic or Below, satisfactory Academic Performance in English Language Development (ELD) III or referral to course.
This course supports the California State Standards for 9‐12 English Language Arts with an emphasis on reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This course presents an integrated program emphasizing differentiated instruction in order to allow students to progress in a natural non‐threatening environment. Students in this course are at the early advanced and advanced levels of language acquisition and/or native English speakers performing at the Academic performance level of Basic or below. Instruction supports preparation for the High School Exit Exam. This level of course content has been approved by the local governing board as intended to correct or improve one’s knowledge in a specified content area.
Course Code: 2590
Grade Level: 11, 12 Credits:5 (elective) UC/CSU: No
Prerequisite: This course is for 11th and 12th grade students who have not passed the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) in English/Language Arts. Students will be allowed to transfer out after receiving confirmation of passing CAHSEE scores from the State. 1st semester (grade 12 priority) 2nd semester (grade 11 and 12)
In this course students will master the different reading, writing and grammar tasks presented on the CAHSEE, will review important reading, writing, and grammar skills and will learn effective strategies to help them perform on the CAHSEE. This level of course content has been approved by the local governing board as intended to correct or improve one’s knowledge in a specified content area.
English I
English I Honors
English II
English II Honors
English III
AP English Language
English 4
Expository Reading & Writing
AP Lit. & Composition
Intensive English I
Intensive English II
Intensive English III
ELD 4/5
Transitional English