Know Your Rights: Immigration Update We want to assure you that our schools are safe and your student is safe while they are on our campus no matter their or their parents’ immigration status. ALERT
Presidents Day | February 17 MPUSD schools and departments will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025.
Classes of 2025 | High School and Monterey Adult School Graduations Let's celebrate our Classes of 2025 from Central Coast High School, Marina High School, Monterey High School, Seaside High School and Monterey Adult School.
Survey: Selection of Seaside High School's Next Principal The Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Superintendent and Governing Board are asking for your help in selecting your next principal.
McDonald's HACER National Scholarship Education Tour | January 28 College guidance for families, scholarship opportunities, financial resources for families, inspirational speakers, dinner provided, and giveaways.
Know Your Rights Workshop | February 5th Obtenga conocimientos y recursos valiosos para navegar por los servicios locales y protegerse. | Gain valuable knowledge and resources to navigate local services and protect yourself.
High School Parent Teacher Student Conferences | February 25 - 27, 2025 MPUSD's three comprehensive high schools will hold parent/teacher/student conferences February 25 - 27, 2025. Look for information coming soon from each high school. Students will release at 2:20 p.m.
Happy Holidays | Winter Break MPUSD will observe Winter Break December 23, 2024, through January 7, 2025. MPUSD schools ​will be closed. Students return January 8, 2025.
Community School Information Session Learn about MPUSD's community schools in Seaside at an information session that includes childcare and food.
November is Family Engagement Month at MPUSD At MPUSD, we recognize that strong family engagement is essential to the educational success, health, and well-being of every student we serve.